Die brandneue Single

The brand new Album

Sei du selbst - Party 2.0
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Fan box content:
Fan box content:
- CD album
- Exclusive Karaoke CD
- DJ Ötzi socks
- Notebook with personal words
- Poster
- Goldcards: Your chance to win 1 of 5 goldcards for a personal call from DJ Ötzi

DJ Ötzi biography
With his hit "Anton aus Tirol" he became a star overnight. But his career as an entertainer and singer was not predetermined: Gerry Friedle, aka DJ Ötzi, has been delighting fans all over the world for over twenty years. He is one of the best-known Austrian musicians and performers and achieved gold and platinum in England with »Hey Baby«. But the road to success led him through deep valleys and over high peaks. In his exclusive autobiography, Gerry Friedle looks back on his eventful life story. This inspiring book shows that those who survive difficult times can emerge stronger and with renewed courage!