Do you want to stay close to your star and be provided with exclusive DJ Ötzi insights and news? Then you've come to the right place!
Start your own DJ Ötzi Fan Club in just 3 steps:
Inspire 10 members
Report club to a fan club coordinator
Let's go!
Fan Club Coordinators:
Karin Neuwirth –
South & West Germany:
Olaf Eigner-Gerhard –
North & East Germany:
Heike Harms –
They will be happy to give you advice and support.
As a DJ Ötzi fan club member you get EXCLUSIVE:

The unique DJ Ötzi fan card
12 x the DJ Ötzi fan letter
10 % discount on the entire range in the online shop
Discounts & specials on selected events
Participation in the raffle of the DJ Ötzi advent calendar
Opportunity to take part in the annual DJ Ötzi fan meeting
Why should you start a fan club?
To live his dream together with Gerry, to be a little closer to your star and to make a difference together with him and for him!
Little extras for Fan Club leaders:
- A Meet & Greet & Dine with DJ Ötzi takes place once a year exclusively for fan club leaders. You've never been this close and exclusive to your star before!
- DJ Ötzi Fan Club Welcome Package
- No membership fee
General information about founding a fan club:
To found an official DJ Ötzi fan club, you need at least 10 founding members, including a fan club leader and a deputy. Send a list of your members with their names and addresses to one of our 3 fan club advisors, depending on the region. Since the fan club leader and the deputy are our contact persons, please also include their mobile numbers and e-mail addresses.
Membership fee 2021: € 10,00
The membership fee is waived for the fan club leadership. Depending on the number of members, the collected membership fee per club must be transferred to the following account.
G&F Music Management GmbH
IBAN: AT87 3500 0000 0001 2229
Only after receipt of the membership fee will the DJ Ötzi fan card be sent and the promotions activated for the fan.
You want to join a DJ Ötzi Fan Club?
Maybe there is already one in your area - here you can find the current fan clubs with the corresponding contact persons:
DJ Ötzi unser Schlagerstern – offizieller Fanclub Norddeutschland | Heike Harms | |
Offizieller DJ ÖTZI Fanclub Hunsrück / Nahe | Olaf Eigner-Gerhard | |
DJ Ötzi Fanclub Österreich | Karin Neuwirt | |
Be part of the DJ Ötzi fan community and live his dream together with Gerry!
Maybe there is already one in your area - here you can find the current fan clubs with the corresponding contact persons:
Name: Heike Harms
Name: Olaf Eigner-Gerhard
Name: Karin Neuwirt
Be part of the DJ Ötzi fan community and live his dream together with Gerry!